Est-ce bien serieux tout cela...?

Airport bum. Un bon gros blairo a l'aeroport de Londres avec son magazine pour mecs...
A little comic doodled in pencil then messed about with in Photoshop. English translation can be found here
Petit comics vite fait et colorie sous Photosh... et c'est une histoire vraie...
Comic doodled this summer while working at the Chartreuse cellars. Basically one of my fellow guides was asked how the two monks who make the liqueur get down from the mountain monastery to the distillery when they are snowed in in winter. Good question, actually. But it sparked this silly, silly idea.
Une histoire de cet ete aux caves de la Chartreuse. Bonne question... comment les moines descendent en hiver?
Another Chartreuse story.
Apologies for the small text, which is also rather full of in-jokes. Basically, just picture me taking around a group that contained a little old lady who'd done the visit several times before and seemed to make a point of spoiling my cue, telling her friends what I was meant to say, and generally annoying the heck out of me.
No, I never brained a visitor with the drinks chariot, but the mental image was much comfort at the end of the day.
Une visite que j'ai guidee a la Chartreuse, avec une gentille dame qui connaissait la visite par coeur... c'etait une habituee, et elle a ete _tres_agacante tout du long. Mais je vous rassure, le coup de chariot n'est reste qu'un fantasme.
Pour plus d'infos sur les Caves...--> Chartreuse
A little doodle from this summer's trip to Ireland, coloured by mouse(!) in Photoshop
petit truc vite fait sur mon voyage en Irlande cet ete, et la Chaussee des Geants qui est absolument splendide.