Friday, 18 July 2008


Voilà, en attendant la mise à jour/refonte de mon site web, déjà, mon court-métrage de 3e année à Cohl, "Tout ce qui brille".

My personal web page needs a rather major sprucing-up (summer holiday plans...), but in the meantime, here's the video of my animated short, my student film as a final year at Ecole Emile Cohl - "All that glitters"

Traditional animation, and Adobe AfterEffects.

Rebecca Morse - Tout ce qui Brille (All That Glitters) from Rebecca Morse on Vimeo.


Holly said...

Est ce que j'ai tort de voir plusieurs références à Labyrinthe ? ^^

Rebecca said...

I found your blog through a link you posted on your new deviantArt journal. I must say I LOVED this little animation you did. Great job. You are definitely one of my favorites on DA. :)

Anonymous said...

Followed the link to your deviantart journal.
I love your animation! So cute and funny!

Anonymous said...

This was lovely! How long did it take you to make this?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the animation. The story was so cute and everything was wonderfully done. Great job!

Anonymous said...

This animation is just great. It's so funny, and really cute.

Anonymous said...

SALUTT! J'aime bien ce que t'avais fait! C'etait genial! It made all my dreams come true hehehe It reminded me of the fantasy cartoons, great job!

charm-stub said...

hey, I came over from your deviantart account and I must say "All that Glitters" is very entertaining. However the best part ever is while I was watching I thought "Wow, the music sounds just like something they's play in the giftshop of the museum I work at" and then when I got to the creidts I was like "Holy shit! That's Ashley MacIssac! We DO have that in the giftshop!" because yeah we're all still very proud of him over here in Nova Scotia... But anyway small world right? :D

Autumn said...

Lovely concept! Simple yet very effective. Well executed and lovely to watch. Thank you for sharing!

La Gotton said...

A very good work !

Congratulations, Rebecca. ^^

Anonymous said...

Excellent Rebecca !

DAUTREMER n'est pas la seule à être douée...

Webmaster du site

Anonymous said...

Bravo pour ce magnifique film! Très beaux scénario et dessins, et très bien animé et réalisé! Que de talents...

WEGMANN-SERIN David said...

Héhéhé ! Pas mal du tout !
J'aime la narration !