Thursday, 5 November 2009

Sweeney Scissorhands : Crossover Depp-ression

Un peu de fanart Tim Burton...
C'est quand meme un peu ironique, ces deux-là...


Miss Gizmo said...

C'est précieux ! J'adore ^____^

Isabelle Bauthian said...

Huhu excellent ^^

Donne said...

Haha! XD Amazing.

(Also, GND fanmail below, since I have no Deviantart account. -__- Hope you don't mind.)

I've enjoyed it all the way through, of course, but the second-to-last "Girls Next Door," #88, was just lovely. It gave me awesome-shudders. <3 Erik being psycho-evil was just... mmm. I love those kinds of characters in general, and the way you played it...

And the Dr. Horrible cameo caught me off-guard in a most excellent way. I almost missed it until I saw the modified "My Eyes" lyrics in the Artist's Comments. (Yet another tragic-evil-psycho-depressing ending, hoorah!)

So anyway, thank you for making the comics!


Basil said...

DDD: you're the genius behind "Girls Next Door"?? I LOVE your work! You always make me laugh so hard, it's amazing. Wow, I'm not sure why I'm so astonished to stumble upon this blog, but it's actually really cool to just randomly find the person behind such a great comic! I wasn't even searching for it..

Thank you for existing!! XD

Lu said...

ouaah j'adore tout ces dessins ^^

quelle coïncidence ^-^

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.